Day 300: Ronda

Another handmade card and envelope.

Another handmade card and envelope.

I made it to Day 300!!!

Today’s letter is to my cousin’s wife Ronda. She recently finished her PhD program focusing on the intersection of post-secondary education and first-generation Appalachian students. It’s an academic accomplishment that I don’t believe I could achieve. A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet one of the top environmental scientists in the country. Talking about his PhD work, I recall him saying, “If I knew how long and hard it was going to be, I would have never pursued it.”

Congratulations Ronda!

Day 300


“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
-M. K. Gandhi


Completing your doctoral degree is remarkable – it speaks to your dedication, commitment and curiosity for the unknown. Education, both formal and informal, is an important part of what makes life meaningful. We learn to be open-minded. We share what we learn with others and pass down our knowledge to future generations – it’s the soul of society.



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