Day 330: Aleks and Jonathan

Today’s letter is to my cousin Jonathan and his wife Aleks. They live in Tennessee so I don’t see them that often unfortunately. I wish we lived closer.

Both have served in the U.S. Army and I wanted to let them know that I appreciate their service – even if my letter comes nearly a decade late. I’ve heard from friends of mine who have served that it’s “awkward” when people thank them. “I was just doing my duty” or “I’m just doing my job” they’ll often respond. Maybe so, but I admire them and am grateful for their service.

Day 330

Aleks & Jonathan, 

You may know that I have embarked on a journey of writing a handwritten letter every day this year. I’m on Day 330…only 35 more days (and letters!) to go. As I sit here in Mechanicsburg with my Dad with lots of turkey leftovers, I took a moment to think of who I was thankful for. I thought of both of you.

I hope you know how much I appreciate your military service. I may not have ever told you this – not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable, but I wanted you to know.

Jonathan, something that I have always felt a bit bad about is that I never wrote when you were posted in Iraq. Having lived abroad, I know how nice it is to receive news from home. I hope that you know that while I failed to write, you were present in my thoughts. And the same remains true today. We can spend a long time without seeing each other or being in touch, but you both, and little Nickolas, are in my thoughts.

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a 2016 full of good health and happiness.

Love you guys,

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