Tag Archives: Dog sitter failure

Day 185: Thom, Tressa, Tegan and Tate

Manassas fireworks from the side mirror.

Manassas fireworks from the side mirror.

Happy Independence Day!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday. Mine was awesome! I spent it with some amazing friends out in Manassas, VA. And while I had a terrific day, I’m not sure my friend Reuben would say the same. Reuben is my friends Chris and Karrin’s dog. I’ve been taking care of him while they traveled up to New England for the weekend.

My best friend for the weekend.

My best friend for the weekend.

Reuben is one of the best dogs I’ve ever known, maybe the best. My ex-girlfriend even offered to buy him for $1,000. I know, that sounds crazy – but if you met Reuben you’d want him all to yourself too. Reuben likes to lounge around the house, take walks, chase and retrieve things you throw, have his belly rubbed, eat grass, sniff telephone polls and occasionally let out a long howl. He likes a lot of things. One thing he does not like I discovered: fireworks.

I thought it would be fun to join my friends and watch the fireworks that they set off in Manassas – which is quite a show I might add. I pictured us sitting in those collapsible chairs or on a blanket, Reuben next to me sitting on his back legs watching the aerial display with the wonder of a two-year old. Nope. It was nothing like that. #DogSitterFail

Day 185

Tom, Tressa, Tegan & Tate, 

It was great to see you guys today. Dinner was delicious – the quinoa salad, fish, shrimp, veggies were all amazing! Sorry I had to leave abruptly – note to self: dogs do NOT like fireworks, they will freak out. We got stuck in some traffic heading out of Manassas but had a great view of fireworks from all over on the ride home. Sorry about all the water issues (the house and the car!) – you know what they say, when it rains it pours. Sorry…I couldn’t help myself.

Love you guys – your friendship means a tremendous amount to me.

I recycled a bag from Paper Source to make this envelope.

I recycled a bag from Paper Source to make this envelope.