Tag Archives: Toby Ziegler

Day 164: Richard Schiff

Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler on ‘The West Wing. Photo: NYDailyNews.com

Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler on ‘The West Wing. Photo: NYDailyNews.com

As I mentioned earlier this week, I got a letter in my mailbox addressed to an actor from The West Wing. I know the suspense has been killing you – so today we’ll have the big reveal. The letter was addressed to Richard Schiff who played the rather morose White House communications director Toby Ziegler.

I have no idea how common of a name Richard Schiff is. But I do know that Schiff was born just 5 miles up the road in Bethesda, MD so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that this is in fact the actor.

After making note of his address, I handed the letter back to the postal worker, letting her know that it had been put in my mailbox by mistake.

One thing I’m curious about. If I take this letter into the post office, do I need to put a stamp on it? They’re just going to walk 10 feet and put it in Richard’s PO Box. I guess I will find out later today.

Toby was my favorite character on the West Wing so I’m really hoping I’ve got the right Richard Schiff!

Day 164 

Dear Richard,

I received a letter addressed to you in my mailbox recently. I couldn’t help but notice your name and wonder if you were the actor Richard Schiff – for the purposes of my letter, I will assume that you are.

Your portrayal of Toby Ziegler was nothing less than outstanding. One of my favorite episodes was the one where they find your business card in the jacket of the homeless veteran who died. I do a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and that storyline touched close to home. I understand you won an Emmy for that performance – congratulations, you deserve it!

I’d love to know what you’re up to these days. We should meet up sometime in the neighborhood for a drink – after all we’re neighbors. Maybe go to McClellan’s Retreat or Glen’s Garden Market? Both are good spots, but I picture you more at the dimly lit McClellan’s Retreat enjoying a boozy cocktail like an old fashioned or something along those lines.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you,
Reed Sandridge 

Day 164-2

P.S. If this is not the actor Richard Schiff – we can still meet for a drink and you can tell me all about what it’s like having people confuse you with the actor.