Day 149: The Ruta Family

I met my buddy Ryan Ruta while living in Valladolid, Spain back in 1995. We spent a semester studying Spanish at the Universidad de Valladolid. It was a tremendous experience and I made a couple of friends along the way, Ryan was one of them.

He ended up moving to Bolivia to do some post-graduate work, met his wife Twyla, got married, started a family and joined the Foreign Service. Every couple of years they move to a new country and he often comes back to Washington for periods of time, so we get to catch up then.

He was here back in April and I’ve been meaning to write him ever since.

I used some Wasi tape to add an international touch to the header of this piece of stationery.

I used some Washi tape to add an international touch to the header of this piece of stationery.

Dear Ruta Family,

I hope my note finds you well. One thing that I always enjoyed during my time abroad was receiving handwritten letters from friends and family.

I’ve been writing a handwritten note or letter to someone every day this year. Today is Day 149! I’ve written to all kinds of people – family, friends, celebrities, politicians – just yesterday I wrote to former President George W. Bush. Ryan even helped me leave an anonymous note with $10 in it at Starbucks on Day 104 while he was visiting here in DC. I’m sorry there’s no money in this letter for you, I learned long ago that sending cash in the mail is not a wise decision. That reminds me though of a short story, Una Carta a Dios by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes. Have you read it? You can find it online – it’s really short but worth reading.

I hope to some day visit you guys while you are living abroad. I don’t know if I will make Honduras, although it’s one of the few countries in Latin America that I have not visited. It would be fun to see you and check it off of my list of countries to visit.

I hope that Bianca, Diego and Lexi are all doing well – hopefully making new friends and adapting to life there. I guess the same could be said for both of you too!

When you have time, drop me a note and let me know how you are doing. And definitely let me know when you’ll be in Washington as I always enjoy seeing you and catching up.


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