Day 192: Brätt Family

Today’s letter is for Sasha and Jamie – and their kids, although they are too young to read the letter. I met Sasha in 2009 when he directed me in the play The Laramie Project. He’s an insanely talented director and he offered to direct the play that some friends and I put together based on the Year of Giving.

His wife Jamie is a rock star. She does city planning so I thought of her as well when I saw I AM THE GENTRY Thursday night. In fact, I think she worked on some of the city planning for the area where the play took place around H Street in DC.

Day 192

Dear Brätt Family,

I hope that my letter finds you well. I enjoy seeing your Facebook updates – Mina and Austin are growing up and somehow you guys manage to stay the same.

I went to see a Fringe show last night – it reminded me of the fun (ok, so there was a little stress involved too) we had doing the Year of Giving play. The show last night dealt with gentrification and how that was changing communities and the people who make up the neighborhoods that are experiencing the changes. While it could have been many areas of D.C., it took place in an area near H Street, Northeast.

Day 192-2I think you both would have enjoyed the show. I found myself wishing you were with me. It would have been interesting to talk to Jamie about gentrification and get her perspective on what cities can do to improve things like access to resources and safety while not displacing the majority of the members of a community who can’t afford to stay. And I would have liked to discuss the play with Sasha and get his thoughts from a director’s point of view – it had some striking similarities to Year of Giving.

Anyway, it made me think of you guys. I miss you and hope that we find a way to get together this year (a way that doesn’t involve painting or moving, although, if forced to I will settle for that).

Have a great summer,


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