So this one is just crazy.
So earlier today I got a text message from my friend Nicole saying:
“Hey, if you’re home and have some free time, would you like to drive Danny Glover from my office to the Hill?”
I happened to be home and didn’t have any more calls/meetings for the day and rarely have opportunities to drive around famous actors in my car, so I said sure. Well, not exactly. I called her to remind her that my 2000 Jetta is not exactly easy on the eyes and today it was decorated with a vulgar amount of pollen. I hear Nicole take the phone away from her mouth, “He says is car is not very clean,” she tells him. Mr. Glover said he didn’t care.
She would later tell me how kind and down to earth he is. I didn’t find that out for myself because I got caught in a rare 4pm traffic jam. Even thought it didn’t happen, it still made my day.

I wrote this letter on stationery that Nicole gave to me earlier this year to help support the Year of Letters project.
Dear Mr. Glover,
Our paths nearly crossed today when my friend Nicole called me to ask if I was free and able to drive you over to Capitol Hill – unfortunately I got stuck in traffic and got there about two minutes after you took a cab.
I would have loved the opportunity to meet you. Not only because I’m a fan of you and several of your movies, but also because I understand you are here to support postal workers across the country and I stand with you on that. I’ve embarked on a year-long commitment to send a handwritten letter to someone every day – you’re day 134! I’ve noticed that letters are now taking much longer to arrive – sometimes several weeks for domestic mail which is ludicrous.
The men and women mail carriers that I know are wonderful, hardworking people. Tomorrow’s letter, Day 135, is to Postmaster General Megan Brennan telling her that I stand with the postal workers!
Thanks for all that you do for so many great organizations. Maybe I’ll see you the next time you’re in town.
P.S. It’s probably best you took a cab – the outside of my car was covered by an embarrassingly thick layer of pollen.