Tag Archives: grilling

Day 195: Brian and Lisa

Summer is a time for the beach, baseball and barbecues. Well, last weekend I didn’t go to the beach or catch any baseball games, but I did go over to the home of the Executive Director of Street Sense, Brian Carome, and his wife Lisa for a barbecue. Everyone there was connected in some way to the Street Sense Media Center, a collaborative where local filmmakers, photographers, poets, playwrights, visual and graphic artists, and audio storytellers work side-by-side with men and women experiencing homelessness to craft stories that challenge our perceptions of homelessness. The work produced in Media Center workshops over the last year has been nothing short of remarkable and it was nice to take a moment and just relax with this incredible group of people.

Day 195

Brian and Lisa, 

Thank you both so much for inviting me to your home for the BBQ. It was great to talk with you and so many other members of the Street Sense family. The food was outstanding – and while I didn’t have the pork since I’m not eating meat right now, everyone was raving about it. I probably should have cheated and just tried a bite. Anyway, I am buying that Weber Cookbook!

Thanks again – it was a wonderful evening.