Tag Archives: NJ

Day 45: Mr. & Mrs. Bresnan

Kristen and Bill Bresnan (Photo: abcnews.com)

Kristen and Bill Bresnan (Photo: abcnews.com)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

People tell me all the time that writing 365 handwritten letters is a lot! And they’re right too. But it pales in comparison to what a Toms River, NJ man has achieved. Oh, he’s raised the bar alright. Bill Bresnan has written his wife a love letter every day for nearly 40 years – some 13,000 letters. Every day is Valentine’s Day for this couple.

So here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Bresnan. Enjoy!

Day 45

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bresnan,

Some of their letters

Some of their letters

I saw your story on ABC news this week – it really touched my heart. I have a year-long commitment to write a handwritten letter to someone every day and as today is Valentine’s Day I thought I would write to you. Writing a love letter every day for nearly 40 years is incredible – that’s more than 13,000 letters. And I thought 365 was a lot!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you both and may your love and letter-writing never cease.

Reed Sandridge

PS. Any tips on what makes a great letter?