Tag Archives: reporting

Day 240: Jay Korff

jay korffJay Korff of WJLA ABC-7 is one of the finest journalists in the business. I first met him while he was reporting on my Year of Giving project – you can watch his Emmy Award winning report here. He and videographer Mark Bautista won several other awards for their work on this story, including an Edward R. Murrow Award.

Anyway, not only is he a talented journalist, he’s a great guy and I wanted to let him know that his professionalism and kindness don’t go unnoticed.


Day 240

Dear Jay,

I know I’ve told you before, but sometimes it’s nice to take time and share one’s thoughts on paper. You’re a master storyteller and you put everything you’ve got into your stories. Even five years later, I’m still touched by the beautiful story you did on the Year of Giving. We’re very fortunate to have someone here in Washington with your dedication and professionalism to journalism. On top of the busy schedule you keep, I’m amazed that you find time to compete, and WIN, so many bike races. You are truly an inspiration.

Your fan and friend,

P.S. Please send my regards to Rosalyn and your kids – I enjoyed volunteering with them back in 2011.