Category Archives: You’re Awesome!

Day 302: Steven Weitzman

I found out that the artist of one of my favorite pieces of art in our nation’s capital, literally in the Capitol, lives just a few miles outside of the District. I thought I’d let him know that his beautifully crafted bronze statue of Frederick Douglass inspires me every time I see it.

Day 302-3


As a resident of our nation’s capital, I’m accustomed to walking by monuments and statues. I cruise down hallways of some of the most iconic buildings in America and don’t stop to appreciate the artistry on display.

I created this tree on the front of the card, then realized I wrote the card upside down so the tree seems like it's on the back of the card!

I created this tree on the front of the card, then realized I wrote the card upside down so the tree seems like it’s on the back of the card!

Often times when I do take an interest in a piece of art or the masterfully painted ceiling, I am unaware of the artist or if I do find out who it was, they’re more than likely deceased. So when I learned that you were the creator of the Frederick Douglass bronze statue that captivates visitors to the U.S. Capitol, I wanted to write you to let you know that your work moved me. Its beauty and power are striking, doing tremendous justice to one of the most charismatic and influential leaders in our history. Brilliant!

With great admiration,
Reed Sandridge

P.S. Ooops – I just realized I wrote this upside down.

Day 250: Michael Raymer

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Last week I heard about a touching story of a mail carrier in Glendale, AZ who left his customers handwritten notes (one of them is shown here) informing them that he was retiring at the end of the month and telling them how much he enjoyed getting to know them over the years.

You can check out the story for yourself here.



Today is Labor Day and I thought it would be fitting to drop you a note – you’ve certainly worked hard throughout your career and deserve a day off. Thank you for both your military and civil service to our country.

I created a custom card for Michael

I created a custom card for Michael

I read about your handwritten note to your mail customers – that was very thoughtful. I particularly appreciated it because not only did I grow up next door to a postal carrier, but I also am a big fan of handwritten correspondence.

Do you have any special stories you would be willing to share about your work as a mail carrier. I imagine over the past 20 yrs you must have had some good ones!

Best of luck in your retirement!
Reed Sandridge


Day 247: Glenn

I grew up in Mechanicsburg, PA. It’s a quiet suburb of Harrisburg. My family was strong and provided great role models. But sometimes you’re fortunate to have outside role models who take time to help you find your way through life. It could be a teacher, a coach or in my case, a boy scout leader.

To my knowledge Glenn was actually never an official leader while I was involved with Scouting. He was something like a scout leader emeritus. Anyway, he lived a few short blocks from my childhood home and was a great role model and friend to me.

I grew up, moved away and rarely visit Mechanicsburg now. We’ve sort of lost touch, but I thought he should know how much I appreciate that he took time to care about me and so many other young people in the community.

Thirty years later, he still answers the phone with the same familiar greeting, “Good evening, Glenn.”

Day 247

Dear Glenn,

I hope this note finds you well. I was thinking about people who have been and still are mentors in my life today and thought of you. You always led by example on how to be a friend, a husband, a father. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me – despite how lousy I am at staying in touch. I will be in Mechanicsburg the weekend of Sept. 25th and would love to find time to visit. I’ll call/email as we get a little closer.


Day 245: Dr. Mendizábal

Some more homemade stationery and envelopes made from supplies from Paper Source.

Some more homemade stationery and envelopes made from supplies from Paper Source.

Today’s letter is for my all time favorite professor. I had a lot of flexibility in who I chose for my professors and I pretty much only took two – aside from professors I took while studying abroad – and Dr. Mendizábal was one of them. He was also the director of the study abroad program to Valladolid, Spain where I studied for a semester.

He’s since retired from teaching at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where I completed my undergraduate degree. It’s too bad too, because he was the best! My only regret is that sometimes I may have fallen asleep in his classes – not because they were boring or uninteresting, but he taught some early morning classes and I may have stayed up a bit too late on a few rare occasions!

Hopefully my Spanish is still good enough that I don’t embarrass myself.


(Translated from Spanish)

Dr. Mendizábal,

 I hope this letter finds you well and that you’ve had an enjoyable summer.

A few days ago I was reflecting on who have been the role models in my life and I thought about you. Without a doubt you were my favorite professor. Literature never interested me much, but as a result of your classes I gained an appreciation for it – especially the great writers from Spain and Latin America: Fernando de Rojas, Francisco de Quevedo, Cervantes, Zorrilla, Jiménez, Unamuno, Darío, Vargas Llosa, Pomba, Allende, Fuentes and obviously García Márquez.

I think my favorite class of yours was Short Stories – not because there were so few pages to read, but because of the mastery required to create such profound works in so few words fascinates me. 

I never heard you speak a negative word about anyone inside or outside of the classroom. It’s a characteristic that I greatly admire and strive to incorporate more in my own life. I admire you very much and wanted you to know that even 20 years after taking your classes, I think about you often.

Warm regards for you and your wife,
Reed Sandridge

P.S. A few months back I reconnected with my host family from Valladolid: Domi and Manuel Sánchez. They are all doing well.

Day 244: Christian from Los Tacos Numero 1 in NYC

photo: Los Tacos Numero 1

photo: Los Tacos Numero 1

I am huge taco connoisseur. It goes back to living in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico when I was in high school. Traditional Mexican tacos are simple: fresh tortillas wrapped around grilled meat topped with a little onion and cilantro served with a side of limes, radishes and cucumbers.

These are my delicious cactus tacos and mula (a taco sandwich of sort). The hot salsa here is hot. You have been warned.

These are my delicious cactus tacos and mula (a taco sandwich of sort). The hot salsa here is hot. You have been warned.

Los Tacos Numero 1 are awesome. I was there last month and had two tacos and a mula. They were so freaking good and I didn’t even have carne asada (grilled steak), which is my favorite. I was not eating any meat until last week as part of a wedding gift to some friends who are vegetarian. Thankfully they had nopal, or cactus, tacos. They were amazing, but I yearn for the rich flavor of Mexican street tacos which I had as a teenager – they were almost always carne asada.

Christian, an architect from Southern California, is one of the owners of this cornucopia of Mexican goodness. If you are in NYC and want some delicious tacos – make sure you hit up Los Tacos Numero 1!

Los Tacos Numero 1
75 Ninth Ave
New York, NY 10011

Buen provecho!


Dear Christian,

I was recently in NYC for work and stopped into Chelsea Market – my friend Uday said I had to check it out. Having lived in Sinaloa, Mexico, I have a pretty high bar for taco utopia and Los Tacos No. 1 did not disappoint. My only wish is that I had been eating meat at the time (long story), because I only tried the nopal taco and mula – both were excellent! The fresh corn tortillas and salsas were legit. I left though wondering if the carne asada would taste like the tacos from Guasave, Sinaloa that I dream.

Day244I’ll be back up in the city on the 23rd and 24th and would love to have a taco with you – this time I’m eating meat and will definitely try the carne asada!

If you are ever in Washington, DC and want to check out the taco scene here, let me know. I’d be happy to take you on a taco tour of some authentic taquerías doing good work here in our nation’s capital.

Felicidades y un cordial saludo desde Washington, DC,

Reed Sandridge