Tag Archives: leaders

Day 247: Glenn

I grew up in Mechanicsburg, PA. It’s a quiet suburb of Harrisburg. My family was strong and provided great role models. But sometimes you’re fortunate to have outside role models who take time to help you find your way through life. It could be a teacher, a coach or in my case, a boy scout leader.

To my knowledge Glenn was actually never an official leader while I was involved with Scouting. He was something like a scout leader emeritus. Anyway, he lived a few short blocks from my childhood home and was a great role model and friend to me.

I grew up, moved away and rarely visit Mechanicsburg now. We’ve sort of lost touch, but I thought he should know how much I appreciate that he took time to care about me and so many other young people in the community.

Thirty years later, he still answers the phone with the same familiar greeting, “Good evening, Glenn.”

Day 247

Dear Glenn,

I hope this note finds you well. I was thinking about people who have been and still are mentors in my life today and thought of you. You always led by example on how to be a friend, a husband, a father. I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me – despite how lousy I am at staying in touch. I will be in Mechanicsburg the weekend of Sept. 25th and would love to find time to visit. I’ll call/email as we get a little closer.


Day 16: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

Photo: zagg.com

Photo: zagg.com

I recently stumbled upon a Washington Post article from about a year ago that was about Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s goal to write a thank-you note every day in 2014. Pretty cool! I can’t find any articles that follow up on that to see if he in fact was able to do it. I can tell you, it’s harder than it sounds!

I thought that Mark and I were friends on Facebook. I swear! When I first signed up years ago I thought it was kind of automatic that you became friends with Mark…you know, so you weren’t lonely on Facebook. But I just double-checked and sadly we’re not friends on Facebook – yet! Maybe he unfriended me.

Despite being a pioneer in the digital world, I hope that he appreciates the handwritten letter as much as I do. Who knows, maybe he’ll write me back or post to my Facebook page?

Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg-2

Dear Mark,

I just read that last year you made a goal to write one thank-you note each day – I love that idea! In fact I just embarked on a year-long journey to write one handwritten letter every day for a year (facebook.com/yearofletters). I was curious about two things. First, how did it go? And second, do you have any advice me.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Facebook friend,
Reed Sandridge

P.S. Nice work on launching Internet.org in Colombia!