Tag Archives: handwritten notes

Day 344: Anonymous letter left at Harris Teeter

I was over at the Harris Teeter today and thought I’d leave my letter there at the ATM machine. It seemed appropriate as I had tucked a few dollars inside for the lucky recipient of today’s letter. There was a woman who was taking forever to get money out of the machine, so I wandered upstairs and found some bright yellow bananas that were a perfect backdrop for my aubergine colored envelope from Paper Source. I should have snagged a photo of it sitting there amongst the bananas, but I thought that my draw too much attention my way.

Day 344


Thanks for taking a chance and opening this letter. Here’s a small gift for you to do whatever you would like to with it. Enjoy.

Have a great day,


Day 324: Patricia

Day 324My friend Patricia still cherishes handwritten correspondence. She chooses the paper carefully and writes thoughtful, handwritten notes regularly.

I thought for her birthday I would make her a card. I embossed the happy birthday note on the front of a paper that I purchased at Paper Source.

Day 324-2


Greetings from Boston! I hope that you have a wonderful birthday. I’m sorry I missed your recent performance in Bethesda – I’m sure you nailed it.

Here’s to another great year and I look forward to seeing you soon.


Day 306: Aunt Betty

Day 306-2Last week I attended the funeral of my Aunt Sue. Although funerals are always sad for me, the coming together of family helps us heal. One person that I got to see last week was my Aunt Betty – Sue’s older sister. I know she has not been feeling well and I wasn’t sure she was going to be able to make it to the funeral.

Aunt Betty, along with my Uncle Larry, made the trip to Richlands for the funeral. She looked great and I was very happy that she was there.

Today is her birthday and I wanted her to know that I was thinking about her.

Day 306

Aunt Betty,

I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you today on your birthday. Despite the circumstances, it was good to see you last week in Richlands. I know you have not been feeling well – I am glad you were able to make it. I hope you feel better and look forward to seeing you and Uncle Larry soon.


Day 292: Kerry

Day 292-2As a board member of a local nonprofit, I occasionally meet with potential funders. I recently had the pleasure of meeting a board member from a family foundation that was interested in learning more about Street Sense, an organization I have been supporting for several years. I wanted to drop Kerry a note to thank her for taking time to meet with us and learn more about the incredible work that Street Sense is doing in Washington, D.C.

Day 292


It was wonderful to meet with you last Wednesday and share some of the work that Street Sense is doing to change the lives of men and women experiencing homelessness. It’s been one of the most inspiring organizations I have ever had the opportunity to work with. Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.

Reed Sandridge

Day 261: Chris

The VP of my department is always so thoughtful when she travels – she always brings back some wonderful little gift from wherever she was visiting. Her latest trip was to the Dolomites along the Italian Swiss border I’m guessing as I showed up to work one day and found a container of Hexensalz, salt blended with herbs and a tiny bit of chili to give it an enjoyable kick!

I rarely do this myself, not because I don’t think about others when I’m traveling but because I never know what to bring people. Somehow Chris knows what to get people. I love to cook to this was perfect.

She was out of the office today, but I left her a little thank you note on her desk.




You know me well. I love the Hexensalz you brought back from the Dolomites. I’ve already used it twice – I sprinkled some on buttered bread for a spicy aromatic snack and last night used it to season some pan seared salmon – delicious! 

You are so thoughtful,