Tag Archives: Mexico

Day 259: Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico

photo: independent.co.uk

photo: independent.co.uk

Today is the 205th anniversary of the beginning of Mexico’s war of independence from Spain. I thought I would drop Mexico’s president a note to send my best wishes on the anniversary and also take advantage of the opportunity to find out who President Peña Nieto likes in our upcoming presidential election. I’ve got a feeling it’s not Trump, given his rather salty remarks about our neighbors to the south.


Mr. President,

I wanted to send you a letter to wish you and all of Mexico well today, the 16th of September, on the anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Mexico.

I lived for one year in the esteemed metropolitan city of Guasave, Sinaloa when I was a junior in high school – similar to the year you spent at Denis Hall Junior High in Maine. I love Mexico and the Mexican people.

I would be interested to know which 2016 candidate for president in the United States you feel is the best.

Kind regards from Washington, D.C.,
Reed Sandridge

P.S. I also studied at Tec de Monterrey (for one semester), but I was at the Mazatlan campus, which I don’t believe is at the same level as the Monterrey campus where you studied, but it was still an amazing experience. 


Day 244: Christian from Los Tacos Numero 1 in NYC

photo: Los Tacos Numero 1

photo: Los Tacos Numero 1

I am huge taco connoisseur. It goes back to living in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico when I was in high school. Traditional Mexican tacos are simple: fresh tortillas wrapped around grilled meat topped with a little onion and cilantro served with a side of limes, radishes and cucumbers.

These are my delicious cactus tacos and mula (a taco sandwich of sort). The hot salsa here is hot. You have been warned.

These are my delicious cactus tacos and mula (a taco sandwich of sort). The hot salsa here is hot. You have been warned.

Los Tacos Numero 1 are awesome. I was there last month and had two tacos and a mula. They were so freaking good and I didn’t even have carne asada (grilled steak), which is my favorite. I was not eating any meat until last week as part of a wedding gift to some friends who are vegetarian. Thankfully they had nopal, or cactus, tacos. They were amazing, but I yearn for the rich flavor of Mexican street tacos which I had as a teenager – they were almost always carne asada.

Christian, an architect from Southern California, is one of the owners of this cornucopia of Mexican goodness. If you are in NYC and want some delicious tacos – make sure you hit up Los Tacos Numero 1!

Los Tacos Numero 1
75 Ninth Ave
New York, NY 10011

Buen provecho!


Dear Christian,

I was recently in NYC for work and stopped into Chelsea Market – my friend Uday said I had to check it out. Having lived in Sinaloa, Mexico, I have a pretty high bar for taco utopia and Los Tacos No. 1 did not disappoint. My only wish is that I had been eating meat at the time (long story), because I only tried the nopal taco and mula – both were excellent! The fresh corn tortillas and salsas were legit. I left though wondering if the carne asada would taste like the tacos from Guasave, Sinaloa that I dream.

Day244I’ll be back up in the city on the 23rd and 24th and would love to have a taco with you – this time I’m eating meat and will definitely try the carne asada!

If you are ever in Washington, DC and want to check out the taco scene here, let me know. I’d be happy to take you on a taco tour of some authentic taquerías doing good work here in our nation’s capital.

Felicidades y un cordial saludo desde Washington, DC,

Reed Sandridge

Day 80: Lupita


This map shows Guasave. Before going there in 1990, I asked my Spanish tutor where it was. I remember him pulling out a map of Mexico. We looked through the index of towns and didn’t see Guasave. He said something like, “Well, either I have a really bad map or that town is pretty small – probably a little bit of both.” He was right. That said, there were even smaller towns around Guasave like El Burrion, Palos Blancos, San Rafael, Las Brisas, etc.

I spent my junior year of high school as an exchange student in the small town of Guasave, Sinaloa on Mexico’s western coast. I lived with a family for the entire year and this Sunday is the birthday of my host mother Lupita.

One of the best year’s of my life – the experience without a doubt helped shape the person I am today. Lupita and her husband Ramiro were great parents for me while I was there. It’s been nearly 10 years since I’ve been there and I have not been good about staying in touch with them – except I would see their son Aurelio somewhat regularly as he was living in Miami and he would stay at my house in DC when he was here for work and I would stay at his place in Miami when work sent me there. Unfortunately for me – he recently moved to San Diego. I’ll have to find a reason to go there too!

Anyway, I owe a lot to Lupita and Ramiro – they took care of me as if I was their own son. I should be a better son and stay in touch more often.

Day 80

Here’s the translated version of my letter…


Happy birthday! Sorry that this letter didn’t arrive before the 22nd. I hope that you enjoyed the day.

It’s been too long since I have written. I’ve noticed that now with Facebook I don’t hardly write or call friends and family. And even though I see the Facebook updates, it’s just not the same. It’s sad that culturally we have lost the tradition of maintaining contact through letter-writing and calls – not texts.

Day 80-2I’m doing well – working a lot and doing various personal projects. I was in touch with Aurelio recently – I hope he’s enjoying living in San Diego. I’m going to miss him when I visit Miami – I enjoyed that I would always get to see him during my business trips there.

I think it’s been eight years or more since I’ve been to Guasave. I have to plan a trip there.

I hope everyone is well. I remember with great fondness my time living with you all – I’ll carry those memories with me forever. Big hugs to Ramiro, Katia and all the extended family.
