Day 75: Meg

Day 7576-4My friend Meg lost her mother last week. She died the day after her 78th birthday. Losing family members is painful – it’s been 8 years since my mother died and I miss her just as much today as I did back in December of 2006 when she passed away.

Meg is smart, caring and has a generous sense of humor – she’s the type of person everyone likes. I’m sad for my friend today – I know how much her heart must be aching.

Day 7576-3

Dear Meg,

I am so sorry to hear about your mother. While I never knew her, I can imagine what a wonderful person she was – she raised an incredible daughter.

I believe that you are in Missouri right now – I hope it helps knowing how many people are keeping you and your family in our thoughts.

Let’s find time to get together when you are back.




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