Day 188: Gilson and Keila


Today’s letter is for some good friends in Brazil. They lived here in D.C. for a couple years and come back to visit from time to time. Unfortunately, the last couple times they have visited I have had other travel that has caused me to mostly miss their visits.

Day 188

Dear Gilson and Keila,

I hope my 188th letter of the year finds you well. I realize you are not in Sao Paulo right now – I’ve been seeing some of the great food (and drink) you are enjoying in Peru. I’ve been there several times but I’ve never been to Machu Picchu, that should be exciting.

I made another custom envelope liner.

I made another custom envelope liner.

Things here are going well. I’ve been busy working and writing letters. I haven’t done much traveling lately, except the occasional work trip. They’re usually shorter trips than I was accustomed to at Comptel. Instead of transcontinental week-long trips, I typically go to New York City, Boston or maybe Florida for a few days. It’s a lot easier, but sometimes I miss traveling to places where English is not the first language.

I hope that you are still planning on coming to the US in September – have you already signed up for the Tough Mudder? You are welcome to stay at my place. Hopefully this time I will actually be here!

I miss you guys and hope that it works out to see you here later this year.


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