Tag Archives: Brazil

Day 188: Gilson and Keila


Today’s letter is for some good friends in Brazil. They lived here in D.C. for a couple years and come back to visit from time to time. Unfortunately, the last couple times they have visited I have had other travel that has caused me to mostly miss their visits.

Day 188

Dear Gilson and Keila,

I hope my 188th letter of the year finds you well. I realize you are not in Sao Paulo right now – I’ve been seeing some of the great food (and drink) you are enjoying in Peru. I’ve been there several times but I’ve never been to Machu Picchu, that should be exciting.

I made another custom envelope liner.

I made another custom envelope liner.

Things here are going well. I’ve been busy working and writing letters. I haven’t done much traveling lately, except the occasional work trip. They’re usually shorter trips than I was accustomed to at Comptel. Instead of transcontinental week-long trips, I typically go to New York City, Boston or maybe Florida for a few days. It’s a lot easier, but sometimes I miss traveling to places where English is not the first language.

I hope that you are still planning on coming to the US in September – have you already signed up for the Tough Mudder? You are welcome to stay at my place. Hopefully this time I will actually be here!

I miss you guys and hope that it works out to see you here later this year.


Day 115: Adriana and Mauricio

mbrasilThere are a few people in Brazil that I would like to send letters to this year – here is the first one.

In 2003 I moved to Brazil to start a subsidiary operation for the company I worked for at the time. It was one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of my life. Part of what made it such a memorable experience was the people.

Mauricio joined the company 12 years ago and was not only a terrific professional, but also a great all around guy. He and his wife Adriana later moved to Washington, DC and I got to know them both better while they lived here. I occasionally get to see them when they visit DC or I go back to Sao Paulo – but it would be nice to see them more frequently.

Day 115

Adriana and Mauricio with their running team

Adriana and Mauricio with their running team

Adriana & Mauricio,

Greetings from Washington, DC. I hope that my note finds you both well. I probably should have tried to write this in Portuguese, but I will save you the painful experience of reading all of my errors.

It has been 12 years since we first met in Sao Paulo. It was a very special time in my life – living in Sao Paulo and working to build Comptel in the Americas – we had a very special team. I haven’t been part of a similar one since.

Things are good here. I’ve been focusing a lot of time on the Year of Letters and a new venture that I am launching that takes art from talented artists who are experiencing homelessness and turning it into commercial products that will give them a revenue stream. It most likely won’t be enough money to fully provide for them, but it will hopefully help them in their journey of finding housing and reentering the work force.

Maria Helena and I are working together again – now at World Wildlife Fund. It’s been fun seeing her there and everyone I meet says how great she is – of course. We don’t work so closely together, but from time to time we’re in meetings together or we just get coffee and catch up.

I don’t have any plans to travel to Brasil right now, but would like to at some point in the not too distant future. How about you guys? Any marathons in the US that you will be running this year? Even if your races don’t take you to the US, you are always welcome here and have a place to stay.

I miss you both and hope that you are doing well.
