Tag Archives: Catholic University of America

Day 136: Kevin

Day 136-2-4Could you go back to school, sit in a class room a couple of days a week, do homework, take tests, etc.? I don’t know if I could although I have thought about it several times since graduating from Indiana University of Pennsylvania back in 1997.

My friend Kevin did it, in fact I think he’s done it twice making this his second Masters degree. This one is in Dramaturgy.

Trust me, 87-year-old Mary Higgins Clark is up there at the podium.

Trust me, 87-year-old Mary Higgins Clark is up there at the podium.

Today I had the honor of joining him while he participated in Catholic University’s commencement – an event that brought me back to my own university days and the feelings I had as I finished my four, ehm, five years of studies there. Mary Higgins Clark gave the keynote speech – a bit disjointed but hell, she’s 87 years old. She rocked!

Congratulations to Kevin and all those who are wearing caps and gowns this spring.

Day 136

Comhghairdeas (that’s Irish for Congratulations)


Day 136-2Congratulations on your M.A. in Dramaturgy. Your continual desire to hone your skills, expand your knowledge and practice what you have learned inspires me. I’m sorry I can’t stay for lunch – but let’s find a time to let me treat you to a few pints to celebrate.

With admiration,