Tag Archives: Gelly Roll White

Day 126: Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op

Photo: Jane Cave

Photo: Jane Cave

I serve on the Board of Directors of Street Sense – a media group in DC whose mission it is to elevate voices on the issue of homelessness while giving economic opportunities to the men and women in DC experiencing homelessness.

Last week they had the premier of Cinema From The Street – a collection of films produced by the Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op. Led by local filmmaker Bryan Bello, the group not only shared their stories but learned the ins and outs of filmmaking. The films were terrific – and if you are in DC you’ll want to mark August 26th on your calendar when they release the next group of their films.

To learn more about the Filmmakers Co-op or buy tickets to the August event, click here.

Day 126

Dear members of the Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op, 

Day 126-2Congratulations on your first film screening! And while I enjoyed all three films, I’m arguably more moved by the larger impact of your work. I look forward to seeing how you take the knowledge of what you are learning in the Co-op and apply it in new and creative ways.

Thank you for sharing your stories, I look forward to seeing you at the next screening on August 26th.

-Reed Sandridge