Tag Archives: Pentel Energel

Day 14: Kelly

Aughnanure Castle, County Galway, Ireland

Aughnanure Castle, County Galway, Ireland. Kelly did not buy a real castle unfortunately.

“A man’s house is his castle.” – James Otis

My friend Kelly closes on her first home today. She’s been saving for this day for a long time. I dug up this postcard of a castle I visited in Galway, Ireland and thought I’d send it to her – she’s Irish!

Kelly Day 14


Congratulations on buying your first “castle”! I know that you’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time and I am very happy for you. I’m looking forward to seeing it in person.

Now get back to unpacking!


I got a bit carried away with stamps!

I got a bit carried away with stamps!