Tag Archives: postcards

Day 226: Nicky

You may remember Nicky from earlier letters: Day 27 and Day 48. I’m calling on the 6-year-old today for some help in delivering a postcard to my Uncle Ted.

Day 197-2

This is the postcard that I enclosed for Nicky to send to my uncle.

I shared with you on Day 197 that I used to play a bit of a joke on my uncle by sending him anonymous postcards from around the world. I would incorporate the help of others to deliver the letters from places that would make it difficult to believe that yours truly is behind the prank.

Anyway, as my uncle lives in Oklahoma – just 25 miles away from Nicky – I thought it would be perfect to have the postcard stamped from someplace local. Surely it couldn’t be me. I mean if I were to travel so close to my aunt and uncle’s home I would have let them know.

So, there’s a chance Ted or my aunt Kay read this, in which case, the gig is up. But, I’m guessing these posts will slip under the radar. If you know Ted, please help me keep this going by not mentioning it to him. And if you want to be part of this project, send me a message and I will get you some postcards sent to you so that you can mail them from your town or some exciting travel destination.

Day 2226


It’s been a while since I wrote to you. I hope that you are enjoying your summer. I have been busy writing handwritten letters to lots of people.

I need your help. Can you please see that the enclosed postcard gets mailed? It’s for my uncle. It’s part of a joke that I am playing on him – I don’t want him to know that it is from me. I’ve sent him postcards from all over the world, but he’s never received one from so close to his house. And if your mom or dad happen to go to Norman or somewhere nearby, it would be even better to come from there.

There’s already a stamp on it, so it’s ready to go. 

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Day 197: Uncle Ted

Years ago, my Uncle Ted was a fan of a series of Bud Lite commercials that featured a guy who would pretend to be other people just to get Bud Lite. Here’s one of the commercials.

Anyway, as a joke I started sending him postcards from around the country and eventually around the world that were addressed to him or “current resident.” They just said, “Yes I am!” on the cards. There was no sender name or return address. I’d address postcards and give them to people who were traveling and ask them to drop them in the mail to try to throw him off my trail.

I chose a post card of a painting by Juan Gris. No reason really...just an old post card I found in my shoe box of letters.

I chose a postcard with artwork from Spanish painter Juan Gris. No reason really…just an old post card I found in my shoe box of letters.

“I just got one from Tokyo other day,” he told me one holiday suspecting that I was behind the gag. I looked at him square in the eye and honestly replied, “Well, I’ve never been to Tokyo, heck I haven’t been to Asia. What about Doug?” I brought up his son, my cousin, to hopefully offer some other plausible culprit. He wasn’t buying it but I never admitted to being the sender of these postcards. Who knows how many he got in total.

Well, that was probably 10 years ago at least. My aunt and uncle don’t even live in the same state anymore. But I was thinking I should resurrect this prank. So I had a coworker address this so that he wouldn’t recognize my handwriting and I will think of a clever place to send it from.


Now, if you know my Uncle Ted…I ask you to keep this our little secret. Come along and see what happens.

Day 197-2

Yes I Am!


Day 14: Kelly

Aughnanure Castle, County Galway, Ireland

Aughnanure Castle, County Galway, Ireland. Kelly did not buy a real castle unfortunately.

“A man’s house is his castle.” – James Otis

My friend Kelly closes on her first home today. She’s been saving for this day for a long time. I dug up this postcard of a castle I visited in Galway, Ireland and thought I’d send it to her – she’s Irish!

Kelly Day 14


Congratulations on buying your first “castle”! I know that you’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time and I am very happy for you. I’m looking forward to seeing it in person.

Now get back to unpacking!


I got a bit carried away with stamps!

I got a bit carried away with stamps!