Day 48: Nicky

NickyLetterYesterday was a letter for Nick…today one for Nicky!

On Sunday I mentioned that I had received my first handwritten response to my Year of Letters – a thoughtful response from 6-year-old Nicky from Oklahoma City who I originally wrote to on Day 27. The son of a former colleague of mine, I wrote him after his dad told me how every day Nicky would anxiously check the mailbox to see if he had any letters. I wanted him to open the mailbox and find a letter written just for him.

I dropped him another note in the mail today.

Day 48Day 48-2

Dear Nicky

Thank you so much for your handwritten letter – you were the first person this year to write back to me. I was so happy to receive your letter and I liked the Batman stamp that you used. I bought some too.

I don’t know if you got any snow in Oklahoma, but it snowed here last night and this morning we had about 4-5 inches. I’m getting ready to go out for a walk – it’s beautiful with everything covered in snow.

Thanks again for writing me – and I will stay in touch!

Your friend,

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