Category Archives: Request

Day 359: Santa Claus

Merry Christmas!

Today I share a personal grievance I’ve had with the pudgy, bearded one who bears gifts on this day. I’ve held this in for 23 years, but I simply cannot go on pretending like I’m fine about what happened. Because, I’m not.

Day 359

I hope you enjoyed the cookies and milk I left out for you – I see you left some of the cookies, you must be watching your figure.

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope you made it safely back to the North Pole – you must be exhausted, delivering all those gifts around the world. Thankfully you enjoyed good weather in most parts of the U.S. – in fact it was so warm you must have been roasting in your suit.

gabrielleanwarI didn’t ask for anything this year. In fact, it’s been a long time since I have. It was 1992, the movie Scent of a Woman came out that year. While most people remember the film for Al Pacino’s portrayal of Lt. Col Frank Slade, my fondness of it is solely for Gabrielle Anwar – the stunningly beautiful brunette who glides across the dance floor with Slade in one of the scenes. I was in love with her and all I asked for that year was for you to bring her to me. Perhaps there wasn’t enough room on your sled or you couldn’t find her, but I was devastated when I woke up and found that she wasn’t under , uhm….the tree, that’s it. And while I did appreciate the photo you brought me of her, it fell way short of satisfying all of my desires.

Day 359-2Anyway, If you would like to make good on that today, I’d be ok with that and I’ll forgive the whole ’92 debacle. If you still can’t find her (I think she’s in Miami these days), I’ll settle for Charlize Theron or Brazilian model Adriana Lima. I’m flexible.

Thanks for all you do – it really is remarkable how much you get done in just one night.

Enjoy your 364 days off,
Reed Sandridge
PO Box 53065
Washington, DC 20009

Day 262: Postmaster General Megan Brennan

This is my third letter to U.S. Postmaster General Megan Brennan. I also wrote to her on Day 51 and Day 135. For an organization whose passion is mail – I can’t say that I’m impressed with their ability to respond to mail sent to them. I never received any responses from my two previous letters and I probably wont receive one to this one either – and frankly I don’t care. I’d just be happy if she or someone on her team responds to Gary Minter.

Gary is the man who I wrote to on Day 260. I was touched by his open letter to the USPS that was published in Street Sense about the challenges he faces due to his housing status. It’s my hope that Gary gets a thoughtful responses from someone at the Post Office.

Day 262

Postmaster General Brennan,

Enclosed you will find an open letter that was published in Street Sense from a friend of mine experiencing homelessness. I don’t think Gary was able to send this letter directly to you but I trust that you will share it with the appropriate person on your staff who can reply. I can attest that these and similar challenges are things that those experiencing homelessness deal with every day.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,
Reed Sandridge

Day 246: Amorde

Amorde is my constituent services liaison for the city. Apparently city officials get all kinds of tickets to sporting events, etc. A buddy of mine who lives in Ward 5 gets tickets to Nationals, Redskins, Capitals and Wizards games all the time. So I thought I would see if my councilmember Jack Evans from Ward 2 would offer up their tickets. I emailed Amorde about this several months ago and never heard back, so I thought a handwritten letter might have better luck.


Ms. Brabham,

I am writing to see if Ward 2 has any tickets available for remaining Nationals or upcoming Redskins games. A friend of mine regularly receives tickets from his Ward 5 constituent services liaison.

Thank you for taking time to consider my request.

Warm regards,
Reed Sandridge

Day 238: Dr. Donald R. Pettit

Dr. Donald R. Pettit, photo: NASA

Dr. Donald R. Pettit, photo: NASA

Today’s recipient is really cool. He likes to travel – really far away at an incredibly fast speed. He’s an astronaut. Dr. Donald Pettit has made three space voyages, the most recent in 2012.

While whirling around the Earth at 17,000 miles per hour, Pettit took a moment to figure out what his mailing address would be. He was aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in Low Earth Orbit with an orbital inclination of 51.6 degrees (that’s apparently the angle of the ISS’s orbit plane in relation to the equator.) All this is happening at some 250 miles above Earth. Anyway, according to Pettit, his address would have been Node 2, Deck 5, ISS, LEO 51.603.

He explains that his zip code would be 51.603, the first three digits representing the orbital inclination and the last two digits identifying the ISS – as it is the third such space station at this orbital location. The first two were Salyut and Mir. The small bay where he sleeps is Node 2 which is located on Deck 5.

I thought this was pretty cool and decided to drop Pettit a handwritten letter in the mail. I also thought to ask him about possibly sending an actual letter to the space station. Wouldn’t that be amazing – and if they wrote me back they can finally use one of those spiffy Fisher pens that actually write in space!

I know what you’re thinking though, the postage to space has got to be astronomical!

Day 238

Dr. Pettit,

I hope my letter finds you and your family well. I’m writing to you as part of a yearlong project I am doing to write a handwritten letter every day this year. You’re day 238.



I very much appreciate that you devised a postal nomenclature for your address while you were on your third mission back in 2012. I’m curious, does someone currently reside at Node 2, Deck 5, ISS, LEO 51.603? If not, what would be the appropriate address to send a letter to one of the astronauts currently living aboard the ISS – and would a letter even get delivered? I can imagine that the Progress resupply vehicles have strict weight restrictions, not to mention that food and supplies are certainly more important than my letter. But it would be really cool to send a letter to the ISS – and even more amazing to receive a response written with one of those fancy pens! Any chance you could help make this wish come true? It would be in good company – I’ve received responses from presidents Bush (43) and Carter.

Day 238-2

With deep respect for you and your contributions to our space exploration and admiration for the view of our world that you gazed upon while in space.

A fellow Eagle Scout,
Reed Sandridge

Day 236: Steve Wozniak


Steve Wozniak, photo:

Today’s letter is to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak with a special request for my Dad’s 75th birthday. This would make him so happy. The Apple my Dad owns has a label with some numbers on it, something like 00003. Some people say this is a serial number and that this is the third one ever made, others say this is a number put on the computer by the Byte Shop, the store where he bought the Apple I. Regardless, there are not many of these guys in existence today – I think less than 50. Pretty cool.

Day 236-2

Dear Steve,

Happy belated 65th birthday! I hope you and Janet had a wonderful celebration.

Wozniak and Jobs circa 1976 Photo:

Wozniak and Jobs circa 1976 Photo:

My brother and I grew up knowing your name since as early as I can remember. You see I was born in Los Gatos and when I was two you created the Apple I and my father purchased one at the Byte Shop. A veteran of mainframe computing at the time, this was and continues to be his most prized possession. Perhaps he had the vision to know that it would some day be a rare gem or maybe he was just too busy working and raising two kids that he procrastinated and never exchanged it for an Apple II in ’77.

My letter with a birthday card that I made for Steve to send to my Dad.

My letter with a birthday card that I made for Steve to send to my Dad.

Today its at a bank in a safe deposit box. I have seen it and he enjoys telling me about the early days of personal computing. 

My father, Jerry Sandridge, turns 75 this October 15th.  I failed to do something really memorable for his 70th birthday and was hoping to do something unique this year. I know you get lots of requests, but I am hoping you could send him a simple birthday wish.

I’ve included a birthday card and addressed stamped envelope for your convenience. I sincerely appreciate your considering this birthday wish – It would mean the world to my father.

Warm regards,
Reed Sandridge 

P.S. My Dad’s phone number is [number removed] in case calling him is easier – 90% chance you’ll get his voice mail as he doesn’t answer unknown numbers!


UPDATE: 10/15/2015

Woz came through and sent Dad a birthday card!!!! THANK YOU WOZ! You made his day!

Birthday card to my Dad from Steve Wozniak!

Birthday card to my Dad from Steve Wozniak!