Tag Archives: poaching

Day 120: Rhonda

I’m the proud father of a baby rhino. Yep, check’em out here.

I didn't have a rhino stamp, but I embossed an elephant on her card. In Nepal, you can see rhinos, elephants and if your lucky, tigers.

I didn’t have a rhino stamp, but I embossed an elephant on her card. In Nepal, you can see rhinos, elephants and if your lucky, tigers.

Day 120-4

The rhino on my screen saver was happy to have some new company.

My boss just came back from a trip to Bhutan and Nepal and brought me back this little guy. Although she felt the earthquake, she had already left Nepal to travel to Bhutan when the 7.8 magnitude quake rocked the small Himalayan nation. I can only imagine how eery it must feel to realize that places you visited just days ago, monuments that you photographed and people whose eyes you looked into are no longer with us.

My thoughts are with all the people of Nepal right now.

Day 120-3


Thank you so much for the hand-carved rhino ā€“ that was very thoughtful. Iā€™m glad that you and the other travelers are all safe ā€“ what a devastating earthquake. I look forward to hearing more about your travels.


My coworker Jake also received a rhino from Rhonda. He put his to work guarding some Trader Joe's Chocolate Covered Almonds. Sadly I have to report that two almonds were poached under his watch on the first day.

My coworker Jake also received a rhino from Rhonda. He put his to work guarding some Trader Joe’s Chocolate Covered Almonds. Sadly I have to report that two almonds were poached under his watch on the first day.