Tag Archives: uni-ball Vision Elite

Day 169: Kelly

This is my second letter to Kelly. On Day 14 I wrote to congratulate her on the purchase of her first home. Unfortunately that letter never arrived. So here’s another one to say “thank you” for her recent donation to help one of the organizations I support.

Day 169


Thank you so much for your recent donation to Street Sense. That was very generous of you. I’m delighted to match your gift and all the donations that were made as a result of my outreach and challenge. Sorry we haven’t gotten together lately, I really want to catch up with you and hear what you are up to. So name your date in July!

Miss you,

Day 120: Rhonda

I’m the proud father of a baby rhino. Yep, check’em out here.

I didn't have a rhino stamp, but I embossed an elephant on her card. In Nepal, you can see rhinos, elephants and if your lucky, tigers.

I didn’t have a rhino stamp, but I embossed an elephant on her card. In Nepal, you can see rhinos, elephants and if your lucky, tigers.

Day 120-4

The rhino on my screen saver was happy to have some new company.

My boss just came back from a trip to Bhutan and Nepal and brought me back this little guy. Although she felt the earthquake, she had already left Nepal to travel to Bhutan when the 7.8 magnitude quake rocked the small Himalayan nation. I can only imagine how eery it must feel to realize that places you visited just days ago, monuments that you photographed and people whose eyes you looked into are no longer with us.

My thoughts are with all the people of Nepal right now.

Day 120-3


Thank you so much for the hand-carved rhino – that was very thoughtful. I’m glad that you and the other travelers are all safe – what a devastating earthquake. I look forward to hearing more about your travels.


My coworker Jake also received a rhino from Rhonda. He put his to work guarding some Trader Joe's Chocolate Covered Almonds. Sadly I have to report that two almonds were poached under his watch on the first day.

My coworker Jake also received a rhino from Rhonda. He put his to work guarding some Trader Joe’s Chocolate Covered Almonds. Sadly I have to report that two almonds were poached under his watch on the first day.

Day 117: Robert

My friend Robert lost his father recently. As is the case more and more, I heard the news on Facebook – which is always an oddity for me. You want to show support but don’t necessarily want to “like” it on Facebook. So I decided to drop him a handwritten note.

Day 117 tequila

I got this shot glass at a going away party for Robert when he left DC a few years ago. Seemed fitting to us it today.

Robert was back in Louisville, KY this weekend with his family as they came together to celebrate his father’s life. And while I felt sad for my friend and his family, I could see through the photographs that they truly celebrated his life. And if his father is anything like Robert, he wouldn’t have wanted people to be sad, he probably would have preferred everyone to take a shot of tequila and get back to contributing to our community (unless that involved driving!)

So…here’s to Robert’s dad!

Day 117


I’m so sorry to hear about your father. I can only imagine what a wonderful and interesting man he was. It’s never easy losing the people we love the most and I hope that it somehow comforts you to know that others are keeping you in their thoughts.

Lots of love to you and your family,
Reed Sandridge




Day 106: Kristen

Have you ever served on a home owners association board? I did it for three years and can tell you that it can be a thankless job – and that’s not even the right word since you don’t get a dime for all of your hard work.

I’m fortunate to have a great president of our condo association. I ran into her earlier this week and it reminded me that I should send her a note telling her how much I appreciate her service. Do you know someone who is volunteering their time for the benefit of others? Drop them a note to let them know you appreciate them.

Day 106


It was nice running into you earlier this week. I wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I, and surely others in the building, appreciate your leadership on the condo board. I know how much time and effort you put into it.

Thank you!

P.S. I really would like to find time for dinner or drinks. Are you and Kevin around the next two weeks?

Day 102: Mr. Kraemer

Poor guy - we made Daniel take a picture with my friend Amy.

Poor guy – we made Daniel take a picture with my friend Amy.

All too often we only reach out to restaurants, hotels and other service oriented businesses when we are disappointed with the experience. But today’s letter is all about letting a local business know that their employee was phenomenal. If you go to Cafe Dupont for dinner, I highly recommend requesting Daniel as your waiter.

Bon appetit!

Day 102 Silvan

Mr. Kraemer,

What a wonderful experience we had at Cafe Dupont on April 5th. Our server, Daniel, was excellent – his ability to be knowledgeable while balancing professionalism and wit made it most enjoyable. I wanted you to know but please also share my compliments with Daniel and his supervisor.

Best regards,
Reed Sandridge