Tag Archives: Vietnam

Day 119: Lieu

I’m terrible at keeping my apartment in good order. So every once in a while I have someone come and help me transform it from a disaster zone back to an orderly living space.

I’ve known Lieu for about five years – she’s 74 and still keeps an active life. Sweet and motherly, she comes in and whips my apartment into shape. Along with her vacuum and cleaning supplies, she often brings something for me. She’s brought from flowers to canned peppers to Vietnamese delicacies. This time she brought me a Vietnamese wonton style soup.

When people take the time to do nice things for you, like bring you a home cooked meal, the least we can do is take the time to write them a handwritten note thanking them for their thoughtfulness.

Day 119


It was so nice to see you today. Thank you very much for the homemade Vietnamese soup – I can’t wait to try it. That was very thoughtful. Maybe someday you teach me how to make it!

Have a wonderful weekend,



Sunday Notes: An update on the project and a story about lost love letters

My PO Box is empty

My PO Box is empty

It’s Sunday….I got behind on posting this weekend. Let me tell you, this project takes a LOT more time than I thought. Writing the letters, photographing them, uploading them, posting on social media, responding to all the response letters that are filling up my mailbox, etc.

Ok, the last part isn’t really true. In fact, I haven’t received one response letter yet. I know it’s only been a month, but I have exchanged a few emails and tweets with recipients of my letters in January and several indicated they would be writing me back. Oh well. So not much to report on today on that front.

I’ll leave you with this touching story from CBS Sunday Morning about a woman suffering with memory loss who finds a stack of 45 year-old love letters which help put the pieces of her life back together. Steve Hartman brings the story to us as only he can. He’s one of the best. Enjoy!




Now off to watch the Super Bowl!