Tag Archives: YearOfLetters

Day 36: Brian, Paper Source

This is what I bought at Paper Source!

I’m embarrassed to say that this isn’t everything that I bought at Paper Source!

I visited Paper Source in Georgetown for the first time. I can’t believe I have never been there. Amazing store full of wonderful paper, craft and gift products. I found so many terrific items there…I was like a kid in a candy shop! I’ll definitely be back. Brian, the assistant manager, was extremely knowledgable and helpful – we need more professionals in retail like him!

Brian Paper Source


Thank you so much for taking time to help me yesterday. You were extremely generous with your time and you are a hell of a salesman too – you convinced me to buy things I didn’t even know I needed until I met you. Let’s do the letter writing workshop!

I tried to heat emboss this script on the front of the card.

I tried to heat emboss this script on the front of the card. I didn’t get enough of the VersaMark on the card so that the embossing powder would adhere.

Thanks again,
Reed Sandridge

P.S. This was my first heat embossing – I didn’t get enough of the VersaMark on the card.

Sunday Notes: An update on the project and a story about lost love letters

My PO Box is empty

My PO Box is empty

It’s Sunday….I got behind on posting this weekend. Let me tell you, this project takes a LOT more time than I thought. Writing the letters, photographing them, uploading them, posting on social media, responding to all the response letters that are filling up my mailbox, etc.

Ok, the last part isn’t really true. In fact, I haven’t received one response letter yet. I know it’s only been a month, but I have exchanged a few emails and tweets with recipients of my letters in January and several indicated they would be writing me back. Oh well. So not much to report on today on that front.

I’ll leave you with this touching story from CBS Sunday Morning about a woman suffering with memory loss who finds a stack of 45 year-old love letters which help put the pieces of her life back together. Steve Hartman brings the story to us as only he can. He’s one of the best. Enjoy!




Now off to watch the Super Bowl!