Tag Archives: poverty

Day 202: Lynn and Bianca

Many of you know about my friend Anthony whose hard work and determination got him into housing after 20 years on the streets. Last night we celebrated two years of housing with about 40 friends at Rumors Bar and Restaurant in DC.

Two of the guests were from a doctor’s office across the street that has been so kind to Anthony. The doctor, who I’ve seen for years, agreed to treat Anthony for free. Him and the entire staff are wonderful. Lynn and Bianca came stopped by the party to support Anthony – they were awesome!

Day 202

Dear Lynn and Bianca,

Your joining us at Anthony’s 2 yr Anniversary celebration moved me. I’ve always been inspired by the power of community and the fact that you took the time out of your day to come and celebrate with Anthony meant a tremendous amount to him – and to me. We are all part of each other’s community – and by coming together we strengthen our social fabric.

I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk more – I hope you enjoyed yourselves,

Day 152: Will Hayes & Chris Long of the St. Louis Rams

Yesterday I saw an ESPN video that featured Will Hayes and Chris Long, two players on the St. Louis Rams football team. They spent the night out on the streets of St. Louis to learn what it was like to be homeless for a night. Check out the video.

Photo: ESPN

Photo: ESPN

Homelessness is something that is close to my heart so I dropped them a note. Speaking of homelessness, those of you in DC should join me tomorrow night, June 2nd, for the Street Sense Awards night where journalists are recognized for the best stories covering homelessness from the past year.

Day 152

Will and Chris,

I saw the ESPN video where you spent a night on the streets of St. Louis. I’ve been on the board of directors of a local homeless organization here in our nation’s capital for the past three years. Street Sense gives men and women experiencing homelessness economic opportunities.

Day 152-3I see that you’ll be here in DC to play Washington on Sept. 20, 2015. It’d be a pleasure to meet you both or introduce you to some of the homeless here if you were able to stay an extra day. It would make an inspiring story – spreading your work and awareness to other cities you visit this year. Maybe we could get a few players from Washington to join.

It would be great to hear from you regardless. I applaud you both for your willingness to see the people you met for more than just their current status of their housing. Your story inspired me, and many others, and I thank you for sharing your experience.

All the best (except against the Steelers),
Reed Sandridge

Day 152-2



UPDATE June 1, 2015

St. Louis Rams Defensive End Chris Long got in touch with me yesterday via Twitter. Very cool!

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