Tag Archives: conservation

Day 142: Jon

I spent a good portion of Wednesday with Jon – a colleague who is an expert on conservation in the Eastern Himalayas. He gave a talk that evening that was excellent – Jon is talented at using storytelling to effectively engage his audience. He spoke passionately about the region – especially Nepal, a country that has suffered such terrible loss over the last month.

Jon lives in New Jersey and spends a great deal of time in Asia – so this doesn’t happen that often. I was very thankful to have the time with him and learn more about the projects that he is managing.

Day 142-2


What a pleasure it was to spend time with you in Boston this week. Your talk was excellent and the feedback I heard from others echoed my praise. Your knowledge, passion and thoughtfulness touched all of us. I look forward to working with you more in the future.

Best wishes for a safe and productive trip to Mongolia and Bhutan.


P.S. I ordered a copy of Spillover – thanks for the recommendation.

Day 23: Jack

On Thursday I had the tremendous pleasure of visiting the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach, FL. It’s an amazing place focused on promoting conservation of Florida’s coastal ecosystems with a special focus on threatened and endangered sea turtles. They have an onsite hospital there too – which I got to see in action. I got to meet Jack Lighton, the President and CEO, who gave us a very special tour of the operations.

Day 23 JackThis is Sven – and this little guy, well he’s not that little actually, was attacked by a shark and has some bad wounds on his back right side. He was being treated by Dr. Charlie and others when we were there, so I got a behind the scenes look at them working on Sven. They were applying natural honey to his wounds – believe it or not honey works as a natural healing agent. Later they used cold laser therapy to expedite the healing. Despite being sedated, Sven gave the staff some work keeping him still during the procedure.

Jack was extremely gracious with his time. He showed me and my colleague Barney around the center and shared with us some of the terrific work they’re involved with. In the grand scheme of things it’s not much, but I wanted to send them a small donation to help them carry on the important work they do.


Day 23 Jack-6


Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule yesterday to meet with Barney and me. We were both very impressed – not only with your amazing work at the hospital nursing turtles back to health but also the broader work that you are engaging in throughout the region. Your passion for your work shines when you tell the story of the Loggerhead Marlinelife Center.

I look forward to exploring ways we can work together.

Good luck with your fundraiser next week – I’m sure it will be a tremendous success!

Reed Sandridge

I saw this little fellow doing yoga - he's got his hind legs crossed!

I saw this little fellow doing yoga.


Check out the crossed legs!

Check out the crossed legs!