Tag Archives: Paper Mate Flair

Day 38: Aunt Betty and Uncle Larry

About a year ago I received a wonderful handwritten letter from my Aunt Betty – one of my Mom’s sisters. She is a thoughtful letter-writer and I thought I would drop her and my Uncle Larry a note to say hello. They use email and Facebook, but I think they still really enjoy sending and receiving handwritten letters.

Year of Letters-5

Dear Aunt Betty & Uncle Larry,

Just a note to say hello and let you know that I’m thinking about you. Work and some side projects have been keeping me busy. I enjoy it all though. I just got back from a work trip to Florida – not a bad time of year to go there!

Ryan and I are planning to head to TN at the end of February to continue working on getting Sue’s house ready for sale. Hopefully we can stop by and visit with you all.

Also – I’ve got a little project of collecting old family recipes. Maybe you have some that you would like to share for the collection. I love your bran muffins and I know Ryan is a huge fan of your oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

I hope that you are doing well and I look forward to seeing you later this month. I’ll call you to let you know exact dates.

Jason (most of my family call me Jason – Reed is my middle name)

Day 35: A Letter to Jayson Werth

Photo: Washington Post

Photo: Washington Post

I’m a huge Nationals fan. Two months ago today Washington Nationals’ right fielder Jayson Werth was convicted of reckless driving for cruising around in his Porsche at over 100 mph on the Capital Beltway last summer.

A judge sentenced him to serve five days in the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center. He’s been serving it over the weekends so that he can attend to his physical therapy for a shoulder surgery he had in early January. I figure he’s got some time to do some reading while he’s in jail – that is if he’s not swamped signing autographs – see this story.

I left him my number too. You never know he might get bored in there and I’d welcome a call from the Nats slugger – collect of course. I’ll keep you posted.

Jayson Werth


I know you have to spend a few days here so I thought I would drop you a note. I figured you might have time to actually read my letter while you are serving your sentence.

I’m a big fan of you and the Nationals – although I got to be honest, one of my favorite memories of you (if not my favorite) is from when you were with the Phillies. May 12, 2009 when you stole 2nd, 3rd and then home! That was awesome. Game 4 in 2012 was probably more amazing though – the stadium went nuts after you hit that walk-off homer against Lance Lynn. I wasn’t there – I was there though for game 5 – we won’t talk about that.

Anyway, we’re less than three weeks away from the start of Spring Training. I hope your shoulder rehab goes well so that you can get back to baseball as soon as you’re healthy enough to play.

I have some free time – I guess that’s obvious given this letter – so if there is anything I can ever do to help out you and/or the team, let me know, it would be a dream come true.

Oh, and I read on the Fairfax Detention Ctr. website that you can make collect phone calls. If you are bored and you can’t reach your family and you need a break from signing Inmate Handbooks – feel free to give me a call. You can call me collect at xxx.xxx.xxxx.

Hang in there Jayson!

Your friend and loyal fan,
Reed Sandridge

 My address: PO Box 53065, Wash. DC, 20009