Tag Archives: 1canoe2

Day 231: Kyle

I’m in Boston for some meetings and finding a hotel that wouldn’t bankrupt my employer was really a challenge, so I chose Airbnb. You may recall I wrote to their cofounder and CEO Brian Chesky earlier this year (Day 90) – sadly I never heard back. I mean if Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush had time to write back, I think Brian could send me a short note, don’t you?

Anyway, it was my first time using Airbnb in Boston. And my first time using the service in almost a year. Everything went smoothly. My host, Kyle, was great and I thought I would leave him a little note of thanks on one of the note cards I received from 1Canoe2. While I doubt it will work out, it would be great if he and some of the other non DC recipients of my handwritten letters can attend the year-end celebration on January 5th. Who knows? Maybe some of them will come.

Day 231

This card was one of the cards that the amazing people at 1Canoe2 sent me to help with all of the stationery that I need to do the Year of Letters.


What a beautiful home you have. It’s literally at the doorstep of downtown Boston. Thank you for your hospitality and making sure that everything went smoothly with my stay. I hope that made it to your open water swim this morning and wish you luck in your upcoming triathlon.


P.S. I’m a big fan of the lost art of handwritten communication and your note today is Day 231 of a year-long series: YearOfLetters.com.


Day 190: Anonymous letter left at Starbucks at 24th and M, D.C.

Day 190-3This might be my third letter I’ve left at a Starbucks. I left two in Starbucks cafes in New York City. Today’s letter, written on snappy stationery from 1canoe2, included a gift card good for caffein.

Day 190-2Some people dream of finding an envelope full of cash. If you’re one of them, don’t give up, keep trying. In the meantime let me buy you a coffee.

Enjoy and have a good day!



Day 181: 2nd anonymous letter left at Penn State’s Berkey Creamery

Day 181-3

More awesome stationery from 1canoe2!

I woke up this morning in State College, PA. One of my favorite places to visit while I am there is the Berkey Creamery – you may recall I left another anonymous letter there on Day 84.

I was a bit disappointed because my schedule wasn’t going to allow me to stop in and have some of their delicious ice cream since I had to get on the road early this morning. But on a whim I visited their website to see what time they opened although I realized it would probably be noon or maybe 11am if I was lucky. Well, what do you know? They open at 7:00am! YES!!!

Ok, there weren't a lot of other people there eating ice cream. So what?

Ok, there weren’t a lot of other people there eating ice cream. So what?

I figured I had to have breakfast anyway, so I might as well stop by. I mean I was going to have cereal and ice cream’s main ingredient is also milk, so what’s the big difference?

I ordered my favorite: Cookies N Cream. Good old-fashioned Oreo cookie chunks smothered in rich vanilla ice cream. Most people were buttering their bagels or eating egg sandwiches, but there was one table, a family of four, who also enjoying some Berkey nirvana. I’m not going to lie. I was feeling pretty amazing with my choice. So good that I wanted to share that euphoria with someone else. So I left my letter there, but this time I decided to mix it up a bit and add some Alexander Hamilton love while he’s still on the tenner.

And thanks again to 1canoe2 for hooking me up with some new stationery!

Day 181-2

What’s better than having Berkey’s delicious ice cream for breakfast? You guessed it, nothing. Well, maybe finding an envelope with money inside while you’re eating your ice cream…yeah, I’m pretty sure that tops it.

Enjoy and share the love!

Day 171: Korrin

You may recall that I stumbled upon Lovely Handwritten Notes, another letter writing project here in DC, a few months ago…I even sent them a letter and they sent me one back.

I had an idea I wanted to share with Korrin, who started Lovely Handwritten Notes. I decided to send her one of my new cards I got courtesy of the good people at 1canoe2.

Day 171-2 Day 171


It was so nice to receive your note and learn that LHN is back up and running. Since we both live in DC and share a passion for handwritten notes, I was thinking thqt we should get together. I started doing some meet-ups where people come together to write their letters – usually an hour or two at a coffee shop on a Saturday morning. I was thinking that we might try to plan one together and unite the DC letter writing community.

What do you think?

Day 170: Kate from 1canoe2

Look at what I found in my mailbox today!

Look at what I found in my mailbox today!

I recently went to the National Stationery Show. Yes, there is a convention just about stationery and cards and accessories, etc. It was pretty awesome I have to admit. I went because I’ve decided to launch my own greeting card company (Second Story Cards) that will give men and women experiencing homelessness a revenue stream for their artistic talent. Stay tuned over the coming months to learn more about that!

Day 170-2I didn’t really know what to expect – I mean besides writing a letter every day this year, what do I know about the stationery and greeting card business? The answer is not much. My friend Jami from Day 99 told me that I had to go see one of her favorite card companies: 1canoe2. Well, I did and they were awesome. Everyone on their team was really cool and ridiculously talented. Check out their website.

They learned about my Year of Letters project and decided to send me some of their awesome cards to help me out. So it only seemed appropriate today to send them a thank you.

Day 170-3


Thank you so much for the thoughtful care package of 1canoe2 cards – you guys are awesome! I really enjoyed meeting your entire team at NSS last month. The cards will definitely come in handy for the Year of Letters project. And on that note, you just became Day 170! Welcome to the club J

Thanks again. I look forward to staying in touch,